I’m a Software QA Engineer and API Documentation Writer, ensuring software quality through testing and crafting clear, user-friendly API documentation.

I’m a Software QA Engineer and API Documentation Writer. In my role, I specialize in ensuring the quality and reliability of software applications through rigorous testing methodologies. I design, implement, and maintain comprehensive test plans and cases, leveraging both manual and automated testing techniques to identify and resolve issues promptly.

Additionally, I focus on creating clear, concise, and user-friendly API documentation. This involves collaborating closely with development teams to understand the functionality and intricacies of the APIs, ensuring that the documentation accurately reflects the system’s capabilities and usage. My documentation serves as a crucial resource for developers, enabling them to integrate and utilize APIs effectively.

I am fluent in writing Python and JavaScript code, and I regularly use tools such as Postman, Git, Selenium, JMeter, Appium, Jira, and Confluence. I am passionate about learning new technologies and continuously expanding my skill set.

You can learn more about me on the About page and read my blog on the Posts page.


  • Git/Github
  • Testing Tools
  • Jira, Confluence
  • Static Site Generators

Work Experiences

  • API Technical Writer at Hamravesh
  • QA Software Engineer at Bismooth
  • Python/Django Developer at Kurdistan University Technology Institute